Privacy Policy

The MBCAF Alumni Directory Privacy Policy

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The MBCAF cares that your personal information, which includes any information you transmit about yourself, is only accessible to those with proper permission. We want you to know exactly how your personal information will be accessible. The only information available to others will be information you decide to reveal about yourself through transmission to this website.

Pastors, Evangelists, and Missionaries

If you deem it best to be included in one of these databases, we ask that you are a previous attendee, a graduate, or a like-minded individual falling into one of these categories. This database is provided to be free advertising for your church or ministry. You may include as much information as you wish for others to see. This information will NOT be password-protected. It is available for all to see, including search engines.

These databases are considered separate from your personal profile, which is for alumni (defined as previous attendees and graduates). You will not be automatically entered into any of these databases. Inclusion in these databases is a separate process from creating your personal profile.

Access Levels

Access Levels apply to personal profiles of MBC previous attendees and graduates

There are different access levels to protect your privacy. The only persons with access to your profile will be those who have registered and provided some of their own personal information.

The first access level is for those who are not logged in. This includes all visitors as well as members that are not logged in. Web spiders ("bots") fall in this category. The only information available to this access level is your first name and your alum status. They may also see your picture, if you have provided one.

The second access level is for those who are logged in, but have not created a profile yet. Since the registration process is available to any person, security measures are in place to protect your privacy. All who fall under this category may see your name and picture if you have provided one. They may not see your address or email address. These users may also be able to contact you by email, though your email address will never be visible to them. The email will be transmitted through this website and sent on to you.

The third access level is for users who have created a profile. These users provide their association to the MBCAF, whether they be friends of MBC, previous attendees, or graduates. The third access level provides access to all the information you provide about yourself to this website.

If you have any questions or considerations regarding this policy, please contact the Admin.

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Verse of the Week
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."
This site is operated by the Massillon Baptist College Alumni Fellowship (